

Page history last edited by Martin Weller 13 years, 10 months ago

User generated content - OU LearnAbout Fair


This is for the Open University LearnAbout Fair. This wiki is where I've collected together good examples of user generated content. I'll comment on each one, and if you have more ideas and you're an OU person, drop me an email and I can add you to the wiki. Not all of these examples are from OU projects or individuals, they're just good examples.


A birthday video for blogger Alec Couros. I like this because it demonstrates the power of the network. Another blogger Dean Shareski coordinated it via Twitter, created a shared Google Doc to assign lyrics to people, and then pulled together all their videos. It demonstrates the power of Alec's network that so many people would contribute, and the ease with which it can be done. It's kinda heartwarming too.




This video was created by blogger D'Arcy Norman as part of his Masters thesis. It simply asked the question 'How do you connect to people online?' I like it because it's a simple question, but it reveals a range of responses. And again it demonstrates the power of the network. And I'm in it.



This video was produced by Alan Levine, who was collecting together 'Amazing Stories of Openness', which demonstrated how being open had led to benefits in people's working lives. You can see the responses here: Amazing stories of openness.



DS106 Flickr pool - This is an open course that gets students to submit photos to Flickr, tagged with the course code. The course gets students to follow the DailyShoot assignments for two weeks, and then to take photos and create a 5 picture story. It's a good example of using other services and tools and students generating content that they all get to benefit from.



This video was produced by Patrick McAndrew as part of the podstars project. It's a good example of taking a conference presentation and producing a shareable project output.



James Aczel produced this for Doug Clow's 40th Birthday in Xtranormal. A nice example of how easy it is to use this (and fun).


This is an interview I did for the OU Open conference in 2010. I've included it as an example of the next stage up, ie getting a professional video filmer in. It also shows how a conference can have pre and post content. More interviews here.


This was produced by Giselle Ferreira and is a very good example of the type of trailers we could be producing for courses.



And this trailer was produced by Alec Couros in conjunction with his students.


This was produced by AL Heather Richardson. I like it because it shows how quickly and easily a video can be produced and I think this will really help students connect with their tutor. More contributions for the OU conference can be found here.



This is a slidecast (ie a slide presentation with synched audio) that I produced for George Siemens open course. I've included it because I think slidecasts are a really quick and easy way of making an output. And I wanted something of mine in here.


Create your own video slideshow at animoto.com.


I've included this as an example of Animoto - a tool that allows you very quickly to create a movie from images, video and text with accompanying music. You can create a 30 seconds one for free, or for a small payment a longer one. Anyone can use this tool, so there really is no excuse!





Comments (1)

David said

at 9:23 am on Apr 13, 2011


Great wiki and I'll think about how I can participate also! I've been sharing online for years. Two big things that come to mind, among many of my projects are Project Peace http://grou.ps/projectpeace and EFL Classroom 2.0. http://eflclassroom.ning.com Essentially, EFL Classroom is one big junkyard of sharing.

Lots has occurred because I've shared - I think I'll hit the cam tonight and post a video a la Alan. Haven't done one just straight on like that in a long time.

Thanks for putting this wiki together!

David Deubelbeiss

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